I was scoping out the OWASP site this morning a ran across a nice idea that appears to have been born at OWASP. Apparently, they are going to jump into the live cd game with their knoppix-based cd project titled "OWASP Live CD Project". While I absolutely agree with the idea, I wouldn't run out and start the 800 meg download. The applications included are very limited in number -- you might find more bang for your buck with taking a copy of Backtrack v2.0 and simply install the 3-4 solutions below (not included on the current backtrack release).
The current tools (I'm finding) for the install are:
- WebGoat v4
- WebScarab
- Paros
- JBroFuZZ
- Cal9000
- Nmap
- TcpDump
- WireShark
OWASP Download
If you are interested in the download, you will find the information at OWASP or you can access thedirect link here.